Recorded Talks and Podcasts

“Let’s Get Critical with Kyle McPhail
and Jean Ketterling”

Let’s Get Critical is a new series of short lectures that highlight interdisciplinary research and invite opportunities for discussion and conversation, hosted by the Owens Art Gallery in Sackville, New Brunswick. Topics span a of variety fields and connect art and art history to a wide range of interests. In this talk, Dr. Kyle McPhail and I discuss our research on video games.

“Running makes me feel …” Conversation with
Dr. Bridgette Desjardins on the Everyday Runners Podcast

My co-author, Dr. Bridgette Desjardins, and I talked with Andy Fuller for his podcast, Everyday Runners. We were talking specifically about our article, published in Leisure Studies (and available open access!).

You can listen to the episode here.